Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Want Good Qualified MLM Leads?

So you want to find the best want super responsive qualified leads that are dying to buy or signup with you?

I can tell you exactly where (and how) to find the freshest and best leads for your business. But you wont like the answer. You cant just go buy them from a lead company like CuttingEdge, mlmLeadGenie, RealTimeLeads, NetworkLeads, mlmLeads, NPros, or LeadersClub etc...this list is truly endless (and growing), these are just a few of the ones I have purchased from over the last 10 years of running my mlm business. They are all fine companies, they have never ripped me off, or not fact I had a very good relationship with Cutting Edge Media for years!

In this article I will shed some light on the enigma, which is mlm leads. In part 2, I will discuss specific strategies that you can take directly to your business; mlm or otherwise. Be able to implement some of these strategies today, and leverage different tools to have people asking to join your business before you even talk to them! But you need to read and understand this first part first...

You need to look at this from outside the box, this took me years to understand, if I can help you see this and catch you early enough that you dont spend thousands of dollars buying mlm leads, opportunity seekers, or worn out genealogy lists then I have accomplished what I have set out to do in this article. Even if I can touch another person that was like me a year ago, stuck in the rut, cold calling leads all day for a few measly signups a month (in a truly un-duplicable system)...thats great too.

If these lead companies had such good quality leads, why dont they just join an mlm and get all these fantastic-super-qualified-leads to enroll with them and make millions of dollars in residual income? Did you just have an ah-ha moment? It gets better...

The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as an exclusive lead, you know this first hand! Look back at the times when you were looking for a business opportunity; you went online looked in Google for online opportunities, you looked in the news paper for local business builders to work with, you were reading networking magazines...You were all over the map! Sometimes when a legitimate person called you back from an ad in the paper you responded to on Tuesday, you had to say what are you talking about?

Anyone can put their hand up and say they want to make extra money online, or that they want to be healthier, or save on groceries or gas etc...who doesnt? But this does not make them a qualified lead! Even if they answered a 20 question survey online and they told you: how many hours they had to put into their business, how much money they had to invest into a business, if they are ready to join today, why they are looking, and their blood-type, this does NOT mean they will join with have seen it time and time again!

What you need to watch out for THE MOST is the network marketing company that tries to sell you leads. If you really step back and think about what just happened here you will be disgusted (unless leads are the only product). Here is an mlm that generates a lead, which is supposedly good, and sells it to you and just padded their wallets a bit more. But more IMPORTANTLY, if this lead was any good why would that company need you? All they would have to do is send out a quick email with a signup link and bingo, right...why would they take income that could go directly into their pockets and give it to you? I know for a fact that many of these companies just sell off the leads that are lower quality and take the better ones for themselves, this keeps their cost of advertising low, its a great strategy for them...but terrible for the distributor.

I hope lights bells and whistles are going off for you now!

Now that I have laid that foundation of understanding for you, you may be asking: well Jay, what do I do about it?

First off, dont play the game! Never pay another company $3, $5, $20 for leads, its a waste of your time AND money! Dont fall into that exclusive leads trap, there Is No Such Thing! NEVER EVER buy leads from your current network marketing company! Unless, like I said, thats their product.

Look for part 2 in this series titled: The Lead Creation Station; Where I will be discussing specific strategies to bring qualified prospects to you, knocking your door down begging to join your primary network marketing company. If you do this right, you will not have to deal with rejection again...let me think about it will be a thing of the past!

To our success,
Jay Kanik
Success coach

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