Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How to Review Your Home Security Needs & Choose a Home Security Company

Before you choose a home security system, it is important to take the time to review your needs. There are three primary areas that should be assessed: your security needs, credibility of the security company, and your budget.

Starting with your security needs, undoubtedly, you will be the best judge of what your actual needs are. It pays to have a security expert come in, however, to offer suggestions that you may not know of or think of yourself. An expert will look at your house with a trained eye, finding the most vulnerable spots, such as a window facing an open field or a balcony with a climbable tree right beside it.

The security expert will give you a list of all the problem spots and can recommend the best type of equipment to protect them. He/she will also be able to tell you exactly how many contact sensors, motion sensors, video cameras, etc. you'll need to protect your home effectively.

Next, youll need to consider if it would be favourable to install a stand-alone security system or one that comes with central monitoring. If you are away frequently and your house is somewhat secluded, central monitoring is advisable. Credibility and reputation of the security company are important factors to consider, especially if youre planning to go with the latter choice. We will discuss this in detail shortly.

The final thing to consider is the cost. You'll obviously need to make a choice that covers your security needs reasonably and fits within your budget. Keep in mind, however, that many home insurance policies offer discounts when an alarm is installed; this may help to offset a part of the cost of the security system.

Choosing a Home Security Company

When you're looking for a home security company, you will find both large companies (like Brinks and ADT) to smaller companies that are authorised installers for the bigger companies. In between these two lie medium sized firms that offer affordable prices for their security services.

Most companies provide multiple services such as assessing your security needs, installing the equipment and central monitoring. You should check if the monitoring station is UL (Underwriters Laboratory) certified, has power backups in case of a power outage, a good staff training program and a good relationship with the local authorities in case of an alarm call.

When you're ready to invest in a home security system, talk to a few different companies before having anything installed. They will conduct risk assessments to ascertain your home security challenges and how to address them.

Reputable home alarm companies will meet you in person at your homenever exclusively by phone. They will look around, discuss your needs and possible limitations, and recommend solutions that have worked for other customers.

Experts recommend getting quotes from three to four different installers. Ensure that you get all pricing quotes in writingincluding set up, equipment, monthly monitoring fees, and warranties. The first company you speak to may seem to have a fantastic deal, but don't sign anything immediately. Take your time and meet with a few other companies and find out who offers the best balance of price and security. Some security companies require you to sign a contract for a certain length of time, which can easily extend to a period more than a year. Once you sign the contract, it can be difficult (and expensive) to get out of the contract.

Once you receive quotes and narrow down your search of home security companies, get references from each providerprevious clients who gave permission to be contacted about that dealer's service. Find out why they chose that particular company and ask questions about the companys quality of service:

Did they install the system quickly, within the timeframe they guaranteed?

Are they readily available if you encounter any problems?

Did the representative explain to everyone in your household how the system works?

Were the contracts unambiguous and straightforward?

If you ever experienced an intrusion, did the central station speedily dispatch authorities?

Will you receive a reasonable notice period if the alarm company sells your contract off to another central station?

In addition, some of the questions you should ask when talking to different security companies include:

- How long have they been in business?

- Do they have the relevant licenses and certifications?

- Are they insured against damages during the alarm installation?

You could also talk to your friends and neighbours and see if they have any recommendations.

Anthony Neary represents online Safe retailer For more information and a wide range of security safes visit the online Safe Shop store at Blog57300
Ally Blog5222

Deciding To Go To Chef School

If you enjoy cooking and want a job that doesn't seem so much like work, perhaps a chef school can give you the skills and experience you need to cook in top notch restaurants around the country or even the world. Every restaurant has several cooks on staff, but the curriculum at a chef school will elevate you and your paycheck well beyond the level of any common short-order cook. Also, a quality chef school can prepare you for a number of prestigious positions in the food service industry.

Many chef school campuses also teach the business side of the culinary arts. Many graduates of chef school go on to own their own restaurant, which gives them the freedom to prepare whatever cuisine they desire. It can also allow you to go into food service management with an intimate knowledge of food preparation that will make you very marketable to employers.

Although some chef schools develop their own independent programs, many of the more desirable institutes follow guidelines provided by the American Culinary Federation Accrediting Commission. These guidelines ensure that graduates of chef school have a well-rounded culinary background, as well as practical skills that will make them valuable employees and put their success in their hands.

A true chef school will teach you far more than just how to cook, although it will definitely teach you how to master that art. It will also teach you much about the role food plays in the modern world, as well as in the past. You will become well versed in social and cultural customs and how these traditions affect the preparation of food from different areas of the world. Each region of the world has its own type of food, and many countries have diets and dishes that are exclusive. You will learn many of these foods, how to prepare them, and why they are so popular in those countries.

A chef school will also teach you the basics about nearly every kind of food, which will unlock many cooking secrets. Although many kinds of meats can be cooked in the same way with the same marinades, different meats, like beef and pork, possess different properties that, once learned, can be taken advantage of to easily produce world-class meals. After you have learned these secrets about meat, as well as fruits and vegetables, and how to use marinades, broths, and other flavoring sauces, you will be ready to create your own custom dishes and meals. Many people try to improvise and invent new dishes and meals, but with the knowledge you gain at a chef school, the question with your customized dishes won't be if it's good, but how good.

Because the costs of gaining additional education and training are a concern for nearly everyone, many chef schools offer financial aid for those that qualify. Most people are eligible for some kind of grants, and loans if necessary. Those who receive a grant, or scholarship, do not have to pay that money back, and educational loans are typically extremely low interest and payments do not start until after graduation. Many chef schools also provide mentoring and help students prepare an effective resume, as well as attract the attention of employers who may grant students jobs before graduation.

If a chef school sounds like something you would like to know more about, there are many across the country that provide quality programs that can give you comprehensive training and experience in your area of interest. Mastering a skill like the culinary arts will separate you from the masses of people that are considered unskilled workers and your paycheck will be sure to reflect the difference.

Andy West is a freelance writer for The Culinary Institute of Virginia College. Culinard offers two outstanding chef school programs. For more information on one of the most prestigious Chef schools, please visit Blog86758
Ailee Blog45711

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Internet Connection?

Are you getting everything out of your internet connection that you could be? If all you're doing is checking your e-mail and occasionally using Ebay to find gag gifts for your friends, than the answer is definitely no! The face of communication changes every day, and the internet is providing you with literally hundreds of opportunities to make connections with people just like you. In terms of interaction with our peers, social networking on the internet is the next big thing and these sites will provide you with more opportunities to make friends and business contacts than you know what to do with!

If you're looking for a broader social network, social networking sites can be just the solution you need. When you're busy and stressed, it can take an immense amount of effort to refresh yourself after a long day at work and then head to a class or a bar to meet people. Maybe you've found yourself in a new situation, or are entering a new place in your life. Social networking can help you find the people that will help you grow and change into a version of yourself that you will love. It's all about the company we keep, and social networking on the internet can help.

Social networking via the internet can be a powerful tool especially if you are in a new area. People move and change locations today more than they ever have, and you'll find that with every move, it can become harder and harder to go out and make friends. If you've moved around at all, you already know how tiring it can be to learn about a new area. You'll probably spend a few nights at social gatherings and bars that do nothing for you. Social networking can take a lot of the guesswork out of finding not only good places to go, but fun people to hang out with!

If someone sounds interesting, you can click on their profile and get a bite-sized chunk of information that will help you figure out if you are compatible in any way. Build up your own profile in a way that will draw people that you are interested in, whether you're interested in trying meet some new mothers who have similar interests as you, or you're just trying to find out where all the artists in the area hang out.

Social networking on the internet can not only make your life easier, it'll make it more fun, too! Sign up at a social networking site today and take a look at all the people waiting to meet you!

Linda Allen is the co-founder of GirlfriendsCafe - A Social Network for Women throughout the United States and Canada.Ambur Blog79710
Bee Blog25672

Why Use the Hotel Safe?

Many of us are not as paranoid as we should be about our belongings while were on vacation. Stolen items are a frequent occurrence, howevereven in the best of hotels. The good news is that if youve picked a good hotel, you should be provided with a private, in-room hotel safe. Here are seven reasons why you should always make use of that safe for your belongingsespecially the expensive oneswhile youre on holiday.

Because wages can be low in many countriesand your digital camera can look tempting. Depending on the country youre travelling in, wages could be very low compared to what we make in the low as a few pounds of less per day. Valuables such as digital cameras and jewellery can occasionally provide a compelling temptation for the odd less honest hotel staff, and this can happen at even the nicest of hotels. If the price they could get for your valuables could provide a few months worth of wages its not difficult to see you need to take precautions. If you want to help people in less fortunate countries, research charities and make a healthy donation of your own free willdont let your contribution be inadvertent.

Because British passports are valuable on the black market. British passports are at a premium in some countries. Many people who do business in false passports often actually use real ones stolen from travellers. Pickpockets are as much of a problem elsewhere as they are in London, so its not necessarily safest to keep your passport on you at all times. Its vital when youre in a foreign country to keep your passport under lock and key.

Because youre not the only one with a key to your room. The cleaning staff has a key. The concierge has a key. With all these extra keys, who knows who could be in your room when youre out? Knowing this, its best to protect your valuables from anyone who comes into your room.

Because you could get the sack if you dont. If youre on a business trip, chances are you have along some expensive equipmenta laptop, a BlackBerry, company equipment to demonstrate, etc. If your companys property comes back damagedor doesnt come back at allyou could be the one who gets the blame. Prevent anything so drastic from happening by using the hotel safe to protect your companys valuables.

Because leaving money on your nightstand is like asking for someone to take it. And not necessarily with the intention of robbing you. Cleaning staff could think youre leaving them a tip if you leave out a few bills on your nightstand, dresser, or countertop. Tipping is the polite thing to do when youre staying in a hotel, but make sure you do it intentionally.

When we travel, we often carry more money with us than we would at homein the form of cash or travellers cheques. But you dont want to carry all that money on you in a new cityits too easy to be robbed or pick pocketed. And its not safe to leave it sitting out on your dresser, either. Keep your money in the hotel safe, and youll have much more peace of mind while youre out exploring.

Because identity theft can happen anywhere. If youve brought credit cards, a social security card, a passport, a cheque book, or any other personal documents with you, dont leave them where others can see themincluding out in plain view in your room. Its easy for someone to get hold of your room keythere are so many copies floating around the hotel, after alland copy down your pertinent information without taking a thing. Youll never know your identity was stolen until you start getting bills for things you didnt buy. Play it safe and use that hotel safeits there to protect you.

Even the most perfectly planned dream holiday can turn into a nightmare if you get robbed. So dont make yourself an easy target. Use all the safety precautions at your disposal, including your hotel safe.

Anthony Neary is director of a major online supplier of safes and fireproof cabinets. For a range of safes The Safe Shop has a wide range of safes for home and business use. If you happen to be a hotel owner visit Blog23055
Aprilette Blog99104

Which Veterinary School Is Right For You?

No matter whether you are only considering or sure that you want to follow a veterinary career, there will be a veterinary school or collage that will suit you. To become a veterinarian you will have to attend a school or collage just as doctors have to attend a medical school.

In the U.S, there are more than 50 veterinary schools and colleges that you could perhaps enroll in; they're located in numerous states, Florida, New York, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Oregon, California, Colorado, Virginia and Wyoming, to name just a few. Veterinary schools and colleges can also be found in Canada and the United Kingdom, in fact, nearly anywhere in the world. Should being a veterinarian be your destiny, then you should research the all the veterinary schools and colleges to discover which one is best suited to you.

What Will I Be Taught At Veterinary School?

If you wish to qualify as a veterinarian, then it will be necessary for you to attend a veterinary school or college in order for you to obtain the many skills that are crucial to this career. In a veterinary school or college, you will get the chance to be taught the many different practices and techniques that will assist you greatly in your knowledge of veterinary science. You will acquire knowledge concerning the basics of animal care. You will also acquire knowledge concerning veterinary laboratory procedures that you will employ as a professional veterinarian. Various other topics that will be covered in a veterinary school or college will include veterinary hematology and veterinary pharmacology. Training will also be received in the many clinical veterinary procedures.

Not all of your time will be spent learning from the lectures and textbooks. Most veterinary schools and collages will require its students to also complete a residency in addition to the classes, this is where students will learn, observe and be involved with hands on activities. Residencies offer some of the best experiences for student veterinarians.

Do You Specialize or Not Specialize?

Like doctors have the opportunity to choose to specialize in the varied areas of medical field, veterinarians also have this opportunity too. For instance, a veterinarian could choose to specialize in veterinary dental care or in veterinary cardiology. The choices are endless - howsoever, often specializing will require a specific program or additional veterinary school or collage course work.

Only you will be able to determine whether or not it is worth the extra investment and time to specialize in a particular area. To specialize in veterinary dental care would mean that you would have to find a specific program that offers that training and to specialize in veterinary cardiology may require a much longer residency.

To find help and advice for all things veterinarian visit Jose Havers veterinary website. Here you will find help about everything from pet care and treatments to veterinary careers advice. Click here: http://www.oshsveterinary.comAnett Blog68683
Callie Blog34319

How To Choose An Appealing Hairstyle

An appealing and trendy hairstyle is essential to build up your image and attractiveness. It is critical to understand the annotation of different appealing hairstyles before you could choose the one which is suitable for yourself in different occasions. This article introduces the latest appealing hair styles which could assist you to choose the most suitable hair style to project your own unique attributes.

1. Long and Curve Hairstyle

The hair at two sides and the back should cut level and perm the long hair into slightly curve. The fringe at front could be either curved or left straight. The major characteristics of the long and curve hairstyle are natural and very easy to take care. The long and curve hairstyle could be further developed into the following sub-styles,

a. Layer at two side

The hair at two sides should be cut into layer and set backward with little fringe at front. The major characteristic of this hairstyle is to amplify a rich and fullness appearance of hair.

b. Mature big curve

Perm the hair with large rollers and set all the hair backward with no fringe at front. Apply some mousses after the hairstyle is set.

c. Side parting

Side parting the long curve hair and the fringe at one side will make the forehead appear broader. It is especially suitable for those with narrow high forehead.

d. Elegant set

Comb the front hair backward and bind with elegant adornments. The ear and the whole facial line will be exposed. This hairstyle is especially suitable for those with distinctive and appealing facial features and contour.

2. Fashioned Short Hairstyles

The hair at two side should be cut into layer and cover the ears but the hair at the front part should not be cut too short. It gives you more rooms for modification into different styles. The major characteristics of the fashioned short hairstyles are to emphasis the distinctive and appealing facial line and facial features. The fashioned short hairstyles could be further modified into the following sub-styles,

a. Solid form

The hair is cut to the same baseline with no graduation. It gives a chunky effect to give the hair a rich and fullness impression.

b. All front

The hair starting from the front part should be cut into layers. The hair at two sides and the fringe should be set forward which gives an energetic look and appearance.

c. Short curve hair

Perm the hair at front part with large rollers and the other parts with smaller rods. The fringe should be cut short to give a very fresh and feminine appearance.

d. Uniform layering

Perm the hair with rods and cut short. The inner hair is cut at the same level as the outer hair length. The hair at two sides should be cut to half of the ear and with some fringe at front.

e. Wedge cut

Perm the hair with rollers and the inner hair length should be longer than the outer hair length. An imbalance triangular shape could be set at two sides to form the unique wedge cut.

Alice Calandra has been the beauty consultant and makeup artist for more than 15 years. She has high reputation in the beauty industry, and she is now working as the Director of the Beauty Department in To find more beauty tips and respective information on trendy cosmetic and hair care products, please visit website: http://cosmetics.geniuschoice.comAuberta Blog87458
Becky Blog79667

How to Drive Safely in the Australian Summer

A quick check-up can help prepare your car for the stress of high temperatures in the Australian summer and increase its reliability on road trips, whether they are long or short. To look at the range of new cars available at present log on to and browse the auto classifieds. Firstly, plan trips well to avoid unnecessary driving in extreme heat.


To help prevent dangerous and inconvenient tyre failure, examine tyres for uneven or excessive tread wear. Make sure all tyres, including the spare, are properly inflated and in good condition.


With the engine off, look for worn or cracked belts and damaged blistered or soft hoses. Inspect the antifreeze/coolant level and condition, making sure the proper 50/50 mixture of water and coolant.


Check motor oil level and condition. If driving under extreme conditions, such as very hot temperatures or towing a heavy trailer, switch to motor oil with higher viscosity. Check the owner's manual for specific oil recommendations.


A properly working air conditioning system also helps motorists keep their cool in summer heat.

When you run your air conditioner, you get much worse petrol consumption. Use your air conditioner sparingly. If you have a lower setting, use it. Turn it on until the car gets cool, then turn it off, and let the fan circulate the cool air. Never run your air conditioner with your windows open.

If needed, have the air conditioning serviced by a qualified technician. Do not use non-approved substitute refrigerants.


Because even properly maintained vehicles can break down, and you only want the best used car in Australia, check and you'll find free car listings that may help your search. In any Australian condition, RACV and the NRMA advise motorists to equip their vehicle with an emergency kit, containing at least the following items: A torch with extra batteries, warning devices such as flares or reflective triangles, jumper cables, a first-aid kit, extra water, and a mobile phone to get emergency assistance quickly.

You see, driving with precaution doesn't only keep you and your loved ones safe, it also lets you enjoy the scenery and enjoy the ride better!


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Barbara Thorp is an article contributor for http://cars.ozfreeonline.comCathee Blog5545
Angela Blog18889

Meeting Your Family's Health Needs With An HSA

Making sure that your family is able to stay healthy partly depends on having a good health insurance program for them. One of the more recent new additions to the health insurance industry is called the Health Savings Account (HSA). This new program enables you to have reduced insurance rates because of a higher deductible, and a tax deferred savings program with it. Here are some of the features of this program.

Reduced Rates

By getting a health insurance program with a high deductible, you are able to greatly reduce your monthly premiums. This is an especially good way to go, if you are younger and currently have pretty good health. The deductible amounts are pre-determined by the government, and you are required to have deductible amounts between $1,050 and $5,250 for singles, and it needs to be between $2,100 and $10,500 for families.

Savings Are Tax Exempt

One of the great benefits of this type of plan is that, like an IRA, you enjoy tax-free income, and interest on the amounts you have in the program. You can put into the plan money that comes off the top of your taxes. There are limits, though, and for singles it is up to $2,700, and for families it is $5,450. A little extra benefit is that you are able to take off of your taxes any money that is deposited into the account all the way up to April 15th. So, if you are coming up to tax time, and find you need to reduce your taxes some more, you can put it into your HSA, and find the tax break you need.

Better Coverage

The new HSA's have an extra real nice feature - they cover more. Some things that you may not have been covered for under another type of policy, you may find that you are covered for with an HSA. This could actually allow you to get a better coverage for less. Things like dental coverage, therapy, even non-prescription medicines and some alternative treatments may also be covered, and even some mental illness treatments, too.

You Keep Control

Under an HSA, you are the one in control of the money. It is yours to use. You can take money out of the account when you want, but only the money that is used only for medical purposes is tax-exempt. Generally, you will be given a card, like a credit card, that gives you access to the account. Whenever you use money from the account, the insurance company automatically gets a receipt, and it is subtracted from your account, and your deductible - and it remains tax exempt.

Like any other insurance policy, once you have paid the deductible amounts, the rest is up to the insurer to pay. By having the high deductible you reduce the premiums considerably. The savings account can also provide a good hedge for your medical insurance program for the future, too, because any money not used toward the deductible remains your money to use next year, if you need it. On the other hand, the money in your HSA might also be used to provide some money for retirement - assuming you maintain your good health.

Joe Kenny writes for the Personal Loans Store, allowing visitors to compare UK loans and also focuses on personal loans for UK residents.Amalie Blog67704
Beatrisa Blog48034

Use Your IRA or 401K to Purchase Investment Real Estate

Did you know that you can use your IRA or 401K to purchase real estate and have those assets grow in your retirement plan? Most people dont. This is a great way to increase the value of your retirement plan. Adding real estate to your IRA means these assets will increase in value tax-deferred until you begin pulling money out of your IRA or 401K. Thats right, you can buy real estate, let it appreciate, and not have to pay the IRS any income taxes on your income or gains from it until you retire!

Now, there are some rules, but they are, for the most part fairly simple and straightforward. There are several types of real estate investments that are eligible for including in your IRA. Rental homes or condos, raw land, timberland, commercial real estate or office buildings rented or leased to a business are all eligible. You could also add discounted real estate paper (where you purchase mortgages from someone at a discount) and even tax certificates. You can even purchase your future retirement home with your IRA. You just have to rent it out to someone else until you are ready to retire. This is not a comprehensive list, but it should give you some good ideas.

One rule concerning IRAs & real estate is that you cannot use it buy your own home or any property you live in, like a second vacation home for example. And I have also read it is not a good idea to rent out property you have purchased with your IRA to close relatives.

In order to use your IRA to purchase real estate, you must set up what is called a self directed IRA. This means you can direct your own investments. To do this, you will need the services of an approved IRA trustee or custodian or independent administrator. In order to fulfill their legal obligations, the trustee will most likely require that you hire a property manager to manage any rental property. This is to ensure that the property taxes are paid on time, to collect rents and maintain the property to local building codes. This can be an advantage for you, to let someone else deal with the day to day headaches of managing property.

There are many companies and individuals that offer IRA trustee services.

You can use a Roth IRA or a SEP IRA, for small companies and self-employed people. According to David Gass, president of Business Credit Services, the Roth IRA is his best choice for using an IRA to buy real estate for long term investments.

When you purchase real estate using your IRA, the trustee will most likely require that you purchase the property outright and not use any debt financing (a mortgage or trust deed). This is to protect your IRA from defaults on loans and other problems with long term contracts. If you are thinking, well, I cant afford to buy a $150,000 or a$200,000 property for my IRA, dont be put off. I have seen many properties in several parts of the country that can be purchased for under $50,000. You can even buy a mobile home and rent it out.

You need to think of your real estate investments like a business. All the income must be deposited into the IRA. And all expenses related to your property must be paid from the IRA. This will keep you out of hot water with the IRS. And when you sell the property, all of the gains will be added to your IRA, tax deferred.

This short article is just meant to introduce you to the idea that you can increase your wealth by adding real estate to your IRA. You will need to find and work with experts and professionals in this area. Your real estate agent can probably introduce you to several qualified people and companies that deal with this.

Written by Steven Currie
Copyright 2007

Steven Currie a financial consultant who helps people save tens of thousands of dollars by paying off their mortgage in less than half of the time.Atlante Blog24565
Cari Blog33326

Hot Market For Ultrasound Schools Graduates

To jumpstart your new career in a growing field, find and compare ultrasound schools with our quick and easy search for programs specializing in diagnostic medical sonography (ultrasound). In a heartbeat, you'll have information on the schools available in your area as well as online training options.

If you're wondering whether ultrasound training is really worth it, consider this:

-- A first year ultrasound technician can now earn up to $72,000 annually in the United States, which is a 30% increase over what sonographers earned just three years ago.

-- The number of jobs for diagnostic medical sonographers is expected to continue increasing for several years as scientists and physicians find new uses for the technology. For example, as ultrasound relies on sound waves rather than radiation, many patients and doctors prefer it over traditional x-rays. In addition, with the growing trend towards outpatient care, there are more private clinics springing up across the nation, and they need to employ their own team of sonographers.

-- While ultrasound is probably best known for its use in tracking pregnancies, ultrasound technicians can work in a variety of medical areas, such as neurology (brain), cardiology (heart), and oncology (cancer), among others.

-- Jobs for recent ultrasound schools graduates combine technical skill with human contact. Ultrasound technicians have direct contact with patients and are often responsible for explaining the procedure to them.

-- Competition for jobs is generally limited to other qualified individuals who have studied at ultrasound Schools or received comparable training.

You may think years of schooling are required to become an ultrasonagrapher. Actually, you can complete your training and join the workforce in as little as two years if you choose to study for an Associate's Degree. You can also study for a four-year Bachelor's Degree in ultrasound. Many colleges offer both options. Online study programs are also available and can often be completed in less time.

Ramon Mackenzie is the webmaster for To get an idea of the ultrasound Schools out there and learn more about their programs, check out Blog93779
Bunny Blog87367

Online Games - Touching Horizons With Teeming Popularity

Creative signatures of the human brain, depicting horizons of creativity and imagination, online flash and shockwave games are catching up for their entertainment and educational value. The contributions of the multi-billion-dollar industry is commanding attention, respect and interest from all age groups, be it a toddler or an eighty year old.

Quenching your thirst for excitement and action, the online games come in an overall enchanting package. The superior multimedia support to the bright, colorful and vibrant graphics, in tempting combination with a whole spectrum of brilliant game ideas, renders the online games popular and far-reaching.

In a further deadly combination, the games are available free of cost that do not need to be subscribed to for an instant play on site or for a download, to suit the preferences and requirements of the game enthusiasts. The economical nature of these online games is further gratified by their group presence and availability. These games can be found in a one-stop shop manner on almost all games sites that may be dedicated online games sites like or games offered as a clever diversification of the website to attract web traffic, like Yahoo games.

In order to keep up with the ever-elevating expectations and thirst for more excitement and fun from a new game, the industry witnesses use of the state-of-the-art technologies in development of online games. The industry ensures delivery of mesmerizing three-dimensional true to life graphics coupled with equally realistic multimedia support, to complement a sound logic and an overwhelming game plan.

The popularity of the free online flash and shockwave games stands bolstered up by natural instincts and inclinations of human nature. As human mind is naturally attracted to a taste of excitement, challenge, achievement and an opportunity to prove oneself better, the flash and shockwave games capture the fantasy of young and old alike as a superior time pass.

Furthermore, the orthodox blemishes as regards the harmful and evil nature of these games are fading steadily and incessantly as the studies reveal their better sides to the corporate world. It is increasingly being accepted in the employment arena that proficiency in computer games is an evidence of a sharper and quicker mind. So much so that companies are actually incorporating computer games as a part of employment strategy leading to full-time absorption of a candidate into the company.

The age-old beliefs as regards the detrimental effects of computer games on health are also being defied with science revealing computer games as an exercise for eyes and the brain. Now computer games are being looked at more than means of entertainment, as studies portray online computer games as a means to nurture logical thinking faculties of human brain, sharpen problem-solving skills, increase brain function, improve hand-eye coordination and enhance social skills.

Thus, these online games allow players to explore and refine certain skills and traits of ones personality, in terms of reflexes, logical thinking, ability to work hard, patience and resolve. The tempting online games are coupled with its delivery of a fancy world so real and engrossing, presenting an irresistible challenge for the brain.

The free online flash and shockwave games also present themselves as a boon for parents looking out for a suitable time pass for their child, such that he/ she spends time keenly sitting at one place, without requiring someone to baby-sit and even learning in the process.

At last but not the least, the virtual competition offered by the free online flash and shockwave games is an unforgettable experience. Playing in anonymity with hundreds and even thousands of players simultaneously logged in worldwide, you find the taste of a win the sweetest.

Jonathan White, owner of & SimplySearch4It UK Play Free Online Internet GamesAnnadiane Blog36143
Beckie Blog25150

Finding The Best Online Dating Service

Finding the best online dating service

With different kinds of online dating services littering the Internet, it is sometimes confusing where to sign up. While there is actually no restriction on how many dating sites you can sign up with, it is good to just concentrate on a few that you can really trust. Besides, most of these sites charge minimal fees for some services. If you do not have the money to spare, you can just concentrate on one and make sure that you make the most out of the services that the site offers.

So how do you choose the best of the best? There is actually no fixed set of criteria in choosing an online dating site. It really depends on the requirements of the person and the services that they will find useful. One thing that you should of course consider is the reputation of the site. More popular sites will of course have more members, which in turn will translate to bigger chances of finding potential mates.

Another advantage of going with popular sites is the fact that they have a system that have already been tried and tested by people. Otherwise, they would not have become so popular. Another thing that you should look for is the technique that they use in matching people or the search keywords that they use. Some sites only match people who live within a state while others match people from all over the world. Some concentrate on age and vital stats while others include in the searches hobbies and interests.

Another consideration is of course the fee. Some sites offer their services for free while others charge a fee for subscriptions and additional services. Look out for these hidden charges when choosing a site. It is also good to go for sites that give you personalized and anonymous emails within the site. That way, you still keep your personal email intact. Some also have chatrooms where members can chat and hook up. These chat options allow members to keep their yms to themselves.

Most online dating sites will offer the same kind of services. Sometimes, it is actually up to the person where they feel most comfortable in. Below are just some of the online dating sites that you can try. Surf the net and look at the services that they offer. Browse through and then decide which is best for you.


This is perhaps the most popular online dating site in the world. In fact, it has the largest number of members and according to their site, has inspired a lot of marriages, twice more than any other sites in the World Wide Web. Members are given free profiles and the freedom to browse through the profiles in the site.

There are however additional services that they charge a fee for. The site also includes forums and chatrooms where members can communicate. There are also dating advice and tips which members will find useful. Another good thing about the site is the fact that gives personalized email addresses to its members. This way, members are protected.


This is another site that single people find really useful. Their site boasts of more marriages per matches than any other dating site. Like, the site gives members free space to place their profiles as well as put personals inviting people to view them.


This is another site that is immensely popular to single people. The site offers free advice for dates and for searching through the thousands of profiles in its archive. There are also spaces for personals and for profiles where members can upload their photos and write something about themselves.

Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or www.a-1hypnosis.comBrunhilde Blog78443
Berna Blog42751

Travel eBusiness Models - Travelocity / is owned and operated by Sabre Holdings a products, distribution and technology solutions company focused on the travel industry. Their consumer direct and business direct side of the business is Travelocity. Travelocity has several million registered users and booked $4.9 billion worth of travel business in 2004. []

At the time of writing, Travelocity is the second most popular brand in the world in the Internet travel marketplace. is also the 386th most popular website in the world, whilst the British version, is the 4884th most popular. []

Travelocity was established in 1996 as a subsidiary or Sabre Holdings and was the first travel website that allowed users to browse, reserve and book travel-related products online. []

Initially Travelocity appeared to be extremely community orientated regularly arranging offline meetings and presentations for do-it-yourself travellers.

In 1998 Travelocity changed direction and became more travel deals orientated. They did this by incorporating the availability to book flights, hotels and car hire directly from their home page. []

In 2000 Travelocity became more aware of the need to market themselves as a brand. This resulted in 2002 with a complete re-design of the website to make it more user-friendly and encourage return visitors.

Travelocitys present day website (designed in 2004) look and feel is starting to rely more on a higher percentage of graphics. This offers website users a more visually appealing experience, although it does rely on the user being more likely to have a slightly faster Internet connection than they used to. []

Travelocity Position is a fun, friendly, informative, useful and easy to use website. In addition to this it is professional and reliable. This demonstrates that Travelocity is comfortable to try and be a love all, serve all Internet Travel Portal.

Travelocity is however a company with an aggressive stance. It does not form strategic alliances with other companies in order to promote affiliate-marketing programmes. In addition, it regularly seeks out potential competitors to buy.

In 2000, Travelocity purchased another early web travel company, Preview Travel, [] whilst in 2002 it purchased a New York based travel business that specialise in late bookings.

On 12th May 2005 it was announced that Travelocity had agreed to buy for 577m creating Europe's biggest online travel retailer. [] Part of the reason why Travelocity wants to gain dominance quickly in the Internet Travel Marketplace and grow by acquisition is that it understands that the market is growing and evolving quickly.

It wants to be the first choice in the majority of consumers minds for future travel purchases. This is therefore one of their major strengths. Whether or not their decision not to evolve by forming strategic alliances may thwart this aggressive growth strategy is yet to be seen.

To a certain degree, opportunities within the Internet travel marketplace for Travelocity are still limitless. They can still expand to cover more countries Internationally, they can still improve upon their overall marketshare and they can still expect both Internet users and the amount of Internet users willing to book online to increase significantly.

Travelocity Core Competences

Travelocity are striving towards ensuring that their brand is the most recognised and trusted available in the Internet Travel marketplace. Their most important core competency is to offer an integrated, easy-to-use and intuitive website that keeps people wanting to come back to it much more that any competitor in the field.

Travelocity Competitive Advantage

Travelocity have recently introduced their Bill of Rights onto their website:
Customers have the right to

1) Get what you booked
2) The best overall value in travel
3) Accurate and objective information upfront

4) Find what youre looking for quickly and easily

5) A straightforward presentation of your options

6) Speak with someone and get help anytime

7) Be inspired by your travel company


These seven key customer issues have been highlighted to demonstrate why Travelocity believe that they are better than the competition. Travelocity want their brand to represent trust, reliability and service and therefore define what they believe their competitive advantage to be.

The Merchant Model Conclusion

The merchant model is without doubt the most competitive Internet business model for the travel industry. The two main worldwide competitors Expedia and Travelocity have chosen to focus upon price and service level differentiation respectively. It could be argued that Expedia however focus on their value-adding activities their existing infrastructure in order to derive their core competencies of efficiency and price. Travelocity on the other hand rely upon their bill of rights core competency in order to drive their value adding activities.

David Bain is founder of the UK travel website TREKtheUK is a comprehensive UK travel guide featuring lots of places to go and things to do.Austina Blog99691
Brynne Blog84596

Immerse Yourself In The Serenity Of A Fine Garden

Gardening in and of itself is an art form. And the art of fine gardening is just that, an art. Fine gardening may mean many things to many people, but to me fine gardening means more than just a garden. It encompasses all thats good and graceful in gardening and combines them to make one garden that is the epitome of all your dreams.

My enjoyment of fine gardening comes not only from the finished garden but from the endless hours that I spend designing and planning the actual garden, from the moment I first have the germ of an idea, to the moment I place the last sapling, and plant the last flower. All I want, all that I can be, should show through when first a person steps into this land of fine gardening, a place of peace and calm where a person can meditate on the finer things in life.

Therefore, a water feature, ideally one that will make a continuously soothing gurgle, with a small stepping-type of waterfall-cum-pond, placed on lovely slabs of flat rock with a hint of moss growing on it. A nice water lily or lotus to give off a contrasting color, and perhaps a fish or two. A few ferns and leafy rain-forest type plants placed around the pond, and Im finished with this stage of my fine gardening.

Ideally I would love a big tree to stand in a corner of the garden, with a luscious velvety dark brown trunk that I can just about span with my arms, overflowing with vibrant green leaves spilling onto the ground in heedless abandon. Since I might not always get what I want, Ill settle instead for a few saplings that will one day fulfil my wish.

Since green is my target for the moment, Id also see about laying a lovely shady lawn that you can sink your bare feet into when taking a turn about your garden.

I love the idea of a Zen garden, but prefer colors and lots of plants, so I would incorporate this feature into my fine gardening efforts by placing a path, naturally made out of rough hewn stone, zigzagging in a leisurely course through the garden.

And to finish it all off Id have a little alcove, unseen from afar, that afforded the curious visitor a wide-angled view of the whole garden, with a sun shade, and a low-lying bench with a few plump cushions strewn carelessly about, and all of it surrounded by a profusion of welcoming flowers.

In the distance I would set about placing a few boulders, pleasing in stature and color to the eye, surrounded perhaps by a few flowers.

And amidst all this fine splendor I would walk amongst my heartfelt efforts of fine gardening and sigh in satisfaction and peace. For what more is there to gardening, than the art of fine gardening.

Susan Green makes it easy to create beautiful gardens, quickly & easily. Learn the essential keys to creating lush, beautiful gardens. To receive your free mini-course visit: Blog63179
Belia Blog50399

PC Hardware: How Ego Can Cost Your Clients

You'll find that clients are sometimes just like children. They want to biggest, shiniest toy even though it may not be good for them. Your job as the virtual CIO is to make sure that they spend their money wisely and well.

What Does Your Client Really Need?

Look carefully at clients' software application requirements before you allow their emotional needs to drive tech PC hardware purchases. If a client's CFO spends most of a typical day crunching numbers in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and communicating via e-mail in Microsoft Outlook, he or she really has only very basic PC hardware requirements. Thus, there might be a better way to ring greater bottom-line results.

Additionally, these consulting projects will be infinitely more profitable to your consulting firm than the slim profit margin on a high-end, commodity-like desktop PC hardware purchase.

What about Notebook PCs?

Although your clients can get some really useful multimedia features in high-end notebooks in the $4,000 to $5,000 price range, if the CEO of one of your main clients merely wants to access e-mail remotely, you easily could equip him or her with a reliable, high-performance, brand-name notebook for one-third to one-half of that price.

Use Your Knowledge To Help Your Clients

As your clients' virtual CIO and technology visionary, you have a huge responsibility. Don't allow clients' objective judgments and technology budgets to get seduced by superfluous bells and whistles.

When in doubt, ask yourself this basic question:

If my client took the $5,000 that was about to be spent on the Rolls Royce of notebooks and reallocated the amount toward computer consulting services, what kind of an impact on their business could my firm make with a $5,000 budget for a consulting project?

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comCelestine Blog52849
Carleen Blog93779

Hello From Orlando - Golf's Ultimate Theme Park

My husband loves playing golf and I am myself am pretty decent at the sport. So it was a given that we would be playing a few rounds in Orlando. We had a chance to sample a number of golf courses first-hand and got a personal appreciation of the great number and variety of golf courses in the Orlando area.

I had a chance to talk with Mike Jamison from Golf Orlando to get a better overview of the extensive golf facilities that the Orlando area has to offer.

1. Orlando is not only the world's No. 1 vacation destination, but it is also called "Golf's Ultimate Theme Park". Please tell us more about that.

Isnt it interesting how sometimes the most obvious answer to a tough question is sitting right before your eyes, yet it takes you days, months, even years to see it?

Officials of the marketing co-op GolfOrlando realized that recently when they finally nailed the perfect marketing tag line for their 25-course organization.

For years the group had wrestled with various themes that might set Orlando apart from its competition in the golf destination wars. Then one day a member asked a question What is Orlando known for?

The obvious answer? Theme parks. Orlando is the worlds No. 1 vacation destination, and the incredible collection of theme parks plays the leading role.

It was at that moment that the perfect theme line crystallized GolfOrlando Golfs Ultimate Theme Park.

It is a nice fit not only because of the foundation of Orlandos vacation pitch theme parks - but also because it reflects the incredible diversity of the Central Florida golf landscape. Golf in Orlando provides its own type of outdoor adventure.

2. Please tell us about the types of golf courses that are available in the Orlando area.

Looking for a taste of the U.K.? How about Royal St. Cloud, where every hole transfers you to the fabled courses of the British Isles, and where the 2004 and 2005 British Junior Amateur was conducted? Try a couple of very popular Ron Garl designs for a Scottish touch. Eagle Creek, located near the Orlando International Airport, offers open, rolling fairways, large, undulating greens and those dangerous revetted bunkers that dot the landscape in Scotland. Eagle Creek was recently ranked among the top 10 new courses of the decade in Florida by Golf Travel & Leisure, and is the first par 73 course in Orlando and the first to use Mini Verde greens.

On the north side of Orlando is Timacuan Golf & Country Club, ranked as high as No. 14 in Florida by one statewide publication. Its front side offers up a true taste of Scotland, while the back 9 takes on a more Carolinas low Country feel. Hole 2, a long water-dominated par 4, was recently named the 2nd most difficult hole in Central Florida by an area publication. Timacuan is a locals favorite.

A very similar routing by Arnold Palmer awaits you on the south side of town. The Legends at Orange Lake opened in 1998 and features a Scottish style front nine (The Links) and a tree-lined back nine (The Pines). The feature holes are the 610-yard 4th on the Links nine and the 432-yard 13th, called the Island Oak.

In need of drama? How about Diamond Players Club in Clermont, where the elevation changes are so spectacular that the track is often referred to as Floridas mountain course. Youll need to buckle up when tackling Mystic Dunes green complexes. They offer up slopes that drop as much as 10 feet, and you might find an elephants trunk poking out of a few serious mounds. Also, several of the fairways feature whiskey barrel bunkers as guideposts. This Gary Koch-designed course personifies the word adventure, as does Highlands Reserve, a roller coaster-like golf experience with elevation changes of 120 feet and dramatic scenery. Further south on Highway 27 is Steve Smyers Southern Dunes, another course that features elevation change uncommon in Central Florida. Combined with the abundance and creativity of the bunkering, it is easy to understand while Southern Dunes is ranked among the To 100 Modern Day Courses by Golfweek.

Excitement? Falcons Fire by Rees Jones has a couple of thrillers, especially its cape hole, the par 4 13th. This one dares you to bite off more than you can chew, and while it is tempting to rip a big tee shot toward the green, the money play is to safely land your ball into the slender fairway utilizing a more forgiving angle and a fairway wood.

If you are a traditionalist, the options are boundless. Shingle Creek is the newest of the traditional Florida layouts, bordered by dense oaks and pines in a backdrop along historic Shingle Creek. Location is another benefit as it rests near the major tourist areas. Harmony is a Johnny Miller design that falls into this category. Its strength lies in the greens complexes that feature angular bunkering creating a variety of challenging pin placements. Ridgewood Lakes provides a beautiful cruise through the hardwoods off Highway 27, and tops off the journey with an awesome finishing hole.

How about a stroll though nature? Stonegate Golf Club, designed by Ron Garl, rests upon 3,300 acres of pristine wetlands, woodlands and 100-year-old oak hammocks, and places the emphasis on the short game. Mike Dashers North Shore looks as if it should be located deep in the country as it sits comfortably amidst lush surroundings, yet it is conveniently located seven miles from Orlando International Airport. Diamondback, a Joe Lee design located in Haines City, was carved from 240 acres of virgin forest and offers dramatically rolling fairways bordered by dense trees, pristine natural wetlands, and well-positioned water hazards.

If convenience is important, MetroWest could be the perfect choice, as it is located near Universal Studios and the International Drive tourist section. It is a Robert Trent Jones Jr. masterpiece that features wide fairways and challenging approach shots. Nearby just off International Drive next to Sea World is Grande Pines, a recently renovated Smyers design that features a number of outstanding risk/reward holes. Celebration Golf Club, located near Walt Disney World, was designed by father Robert Trent Jones Sr. and son Robert Trent Jones Jr. and places emphasis on approach shots.

Is notoriety important to you? ChampionGates two courses play host annually to the Office Depot Father/Son Classic, a favorite among dozens of PGA and Senior PGA Tour players. Orange County National has twice hosted the PGA Tour Qualifying School Finals on its two tracks, Panther Lake and Crooked Cat, They offer diverse tests that are good enough to challenge and determine tomorrows professional stars.

Some folks enjoy walking out their hotel door straight to the first tee. Orlando offers several choices for stay-and-play buffs, including Hawks Landing. Attached to the spectacular Marriott World Center, Hawks Landing recently underwent a complete renovation by Robert Cupp. It has water on 15 of the 18 holes and it features its own version of Amen Corner holes 12, 13 and 14.

That small taste gives you an idea of the diversity available through GolfOrlando, truly Golfs Ultimate Theme Park.

3. Please inform us about the golf practice facilities and the teaching professionals that are available in the Orlando area.

Some of the game's most respected teachers - David Leadbetter, Mike Bender, Rina Ritson, Bill Madonna, Brad Brewer and Fred Griffin to name a few - do their magic in Central Florida.

Orlando is home to some of the nation's finest practice facilities. The Faldo Institute and Orange County National offer more than just practice tees and greens. The landing areas on their driving ranges resemble true targets and hazards that are found on courses. Tremendous short-game practice areas help better players fine-tune that key part of their games. But the crowning jewel in Orlando are the courses. From top to bottom, Orlando offers the best quality golf of any destination in the world. Nearly every exit off I-4 leads directly to a memorable golf experience, regardless of which side of Orlando you are on.

4. Some of the Orlando area golf courses have achieved top ratings from various golf publications. Please tell us more about that.

Orange County National, host of the 2003 & 2005 PGA TOUR Q-School Finals, was the recipient of Golf Digest's 4 1/2 Stars for 2000 to 2005. Southern Dunes is rated among the top 100 contemporary courses in America by Golfweek. Orange County National's Panther Lake is rated 4 1/2 stars by Golf Digest. Award-winning Southern Dunes was voted "Top 100 courses in America" by Golfweek 1997 - 2001. Celebration Golf Club was rated 4 1/2 stars and in the top three in Central Florida for service and in the top two for course conditioning by Golf Digest's "Best Places to Play" 2004 - 2005.

Diamondback Golf Club was recently awarded four stars by Golf Digest's "Places To Play". Victoria Hills Golf Cub open end in 2002, and was recently named by Golf Magazine as a "Top 10 You Can Play." Royal St. Cloud Golf Links was rated in the Top 5 Most Underrated Golf Courses in the Orlando area and hosted the 2004 and 2005 British Junior Amateur. Eagle Creek Golf Club was recently named among the Top 10 New Courses since 2000 by Travel & Leisure Magazine.

5. What major golfing events are held in the Orlando area?

The region hosts its share of major competitions two PGA Tour stops annually (the Bay Hill Invitational in March, hosted by Arnold Palmer; and the Disney Classic at Walt Disney World in October), one LPGA Tour tournament, the PGA Tour Qualifying School Finals, the Buick Scramble National Finals, The Office Depot Father/Son, and a variety of mini tours. A

6. Please tell us about some of the famous golf architects that have put their mark on Orlando golf courses.

The groups 25 layouts boast the names of a majority of the worlds leading architects Tom Fazio, Rees and Robert Trent Jones, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Ron Garl, Steve Smyers.

7. What about affordable golf in Orlando?

8. Who are some of the famous golf professionals who have made the Orlando area their home?

Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, Annika Sorenstam, Sergio Garcia, Se Ri Pak, Arnold Palmer, Jim Thorpe, Chris Di Marco, Mark O'Meara, Scott Hoch, Nick Faldo, John Cook, Stuart Appleby, Charles Howell III and dozens of others have planted their roots in Central Florida. There is a reason for that, beyond tax implications.

9. In addition to golf, what else does the Orlando area have to offer?

Lets face it no region in the country does adventure as well and with as much diversity as Orlando, the worlds No. 1 vacation destination. Theme parks, theme parks and more theme parks. Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Kennedy Space Center and others have created the face that smiles upon the vacationing world from Central Florida.

The nightlife and restaurants rival those of any other region in the country. Tourists gather at various pockets around Orlando Universal City Walk, Pleasure Island and International Drive among them. But if you want a feel for how the locals entertain themselves, take a trip to Winter Park Village on the north side of town, where terrific restaurants and clubs will fill your tummy and your night.

10. What about the weather year-round? What about getting to Orlando?

The weather is conducive to golf year-round. Average high daytime temperatures range from 72 in January to 89 in July. Golf can be played and practiced 365 days a year, many of those days featuring clear blue skies, lazy breezes and cool, comfortable nights.

Another significant reason is the ease of travel. Orlando International Airport welcomes direct flights from most major airports around this country and the world. And it is quite simple to drive to Orlando from in or out of state, thanks to a well-planned series of major highways.

11. What accommodation options do golfers have in Orlando?

12. Please tell us a bit more about the golf vacation packages that are offered in Orlando.

13. Some key golf organizations make Orlando their home, please tell us more about that.

The one and only television network devoted 100% to the sport - The Golf Channel - is based in Orlando. Golfweek, a leading trade publication, moved to Orlando about 11 years ago. Meadowbrook Golf, one of the largest golf course management companies, is located here, as is the industry's leading golf travel company, Golfpac. The industry's only media/ business networking organization, the International Network of Golf, is also based in Orlando.

Thank you, Mike, for providing a great practical overview of Orlando as a first-rate golf destination.

This entire article including photos is located at

Susanne Pacher is the publisher of, a web portal for unconventional travel & cross-cultural connections. Check out our brand new FREE ebooks about travel.Anna Diana Blog76356
Arleyne Blog81090

What It Takes to Build a DIY Web Business

So you want to get into business on the web, and you've decided that none of the pre-packaged opportunities quite do it for you. If you go do-it-yourself (DIY) you're in for a real ride!

Like any business, web business has a body of tricks and techniques. Success means mastering them. Now to be fair, you can learn as you go - but, the need to address each of seven disciplines remains.

The Seven Disciplines of Web Business are:

1. Designing your business: even if you throw the business together it still has a design. Careful design can guarantee success just as unthinking design can guarantee failure. Look around the offline world and ask yourself "How does this business make money?" You need to think through the same things on the web.

2. Position your business: an extension of the problem of design, positioning a business means marking it out from the competition and attracting customers to spend. Look at a crowded business offline - such as food groceries. How are the different stores positioned so they don't compete head to head?

3. Stocking the shelves: what you sell and how you source it is a fundamental skill in any business, even the web. The logical next step from positioning, think about the difference between a discount furniture store and a top end one. The product range will suit how they go to market.

4. Web design: acres of screen space have been devoted to this topic, a measure of its importance. Poorly designed web pages can still make money, but with the advent of software for the non-technical, anyone can create simple sites.

5. Generating traffic: separates the successful from the also-rans. Generating traffic is the most profoundly difficult activity on the web. Solved you are wealthy. Read all you can about traffic generation and make the necessary investments in tools. It is too important to just hope!

6. Converting your traffic: so you got them to the door, now get them to buy! Writing sales copy is a real art. Either invest the time in learning how - or hire someone.

7. Exploiting the customer base: your email list is your most valuable asset. Properly managed it will feed you for life! They say "the money is in the list", and so it is. Form relationships with your customer base and they will feed you for life.

The above represent The Seven Disciplines of Web Business. But alone they aren't enough for success. If you are at the decision point, try these questions:

Do you have the time and persistence to deal with the long learning curve on all the Seven Disciplines or am you looking for some form of 'nstant' success? If you feel under pressure to get there quickly, then Do It Yourself (DIY) isn't for you. There is nothing wrong with this. People come to web business typically under financial pressure and looking for a quick resolution to their difficulties. Getting going with a pre-packaged solution may well work, and if it doesn't they you will have learned a lot

Do you have something to say? Or a product to hawk? If you do, then DIY may be your solution. It may take you longer, but the intensity of the satisfaction will be greater and the financial potential is much higher

Are you technologically challenged? DIY for your first venture may not be the solution, technology is an inescapable part of web business

Are you a serious player, or is this a passing fancy? Be brutal. If you have a steady job, little entrepreneurial background and no burning need to do anything, then chances are you won't succeed at an entrepreneurial venture on or off line. Being an entrepreneur requires either deep drive, something to say or prove, or a complete inability to stand conventional employment. Not everyone has that drive. No reason they should. But if you don't and you're still interested then you are a hobbyist; have fun, the web isn't only about becoming rich. Setting up a web business, is a low cost affair compared with offline operations. The true cost isn't in money, it is in time.

Mastering the Seven Disciplines of Web Business takes time. But if you are successful, you have a skill that will feed you for your entire life! Now there's a reason to DIY... insurance in our uncertain world!

Michael Kay is Research Director of HBB Research a business school based research program looking at web home-based business. He is the lead author of HBB Research's recent Report: The Gold Rush. The Gold Rush is currently being serialized in the Insights Letter, the free info-letter of HB Research. To subscribe to the Insights Letter go to Blog88604
Anabelle Blog99203

Plan a Bright Future ahead with International Student Loans

Education is described as a liberating force and is mandatory for all. But, escalating cost of education is creating hindrance in the way of success for many of the students. Many of the students have opted employment as a means to cope with this shortcoming. But, even this is not possible for all. At such crucial point of time, international student loans can be put to use. These loans are easy to apply for and quick to avail. But, you need to be completely aware of every minute detail of international student loans before taking up one. Here, you can find every inch fact about international student loans, so that you can make most of these loans and reach new heights in your career.

The international student loans are most easy to avail due to bendable terms attached to it. The lenders have a softer attitude towards students for they do not have any source of employment to rely upon. This is one of the reasons why the international student loans are offered at nominal rates of interest. There is absolutely no processing fee attached to it.

The credit history of the co- signer does play a crucial role and can fetch you ostensible deals, as well. The loan amount is transferred directly to the college or school. International student loans cover up a wide array of your expenses like tuition fees, living expenses, hostel fees, computer expense, books and many more.

Your responsibility is to ascertain your need in advance and borrow up to that limit only. For the repayment of the loan amount of international student loans, you will be granted enough time. It is after you have completed your studies and taken up some employment. The most likeable feature of international student loans is that it is not limited to any place. Students from abroad can also avail the benefits of international student loans. With online processing, the entire procedure is much more accessible to all.

Julia Russell works as an executive in financial department for Get Student Loans. She has a lot of experience in finance field. To gain more information about student loans, international student loans, private student loans, college student loans, student refinance loans visit http://www.get-student-loans.comCam Blog46974
Berenice Blog9409

That 'Talking Thing' Will Either Make or Break a Relationship!

Paul Sterling is the creator of The Language of Peace, a new communication paradigm that puts an end to manipulation, mind games and martyrdom. It replaces these with compassion, understanding and peaceful interactions.

Sterling, once a commercial fisherman in Alaska, spent years studying with all of the great masters of motivation and change, from Anthony Robbins to Marshall Thurber. He studied and taught Dr. Demming's Systems Theory in government and business. Later he became certified in Eriksonian hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, and neuro-associative response. Then he discovered in his studies the magical work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication. He felt it really gave him the tools to make all of the other things he'd learn possible. It was one thing to know that he should discuss an issue with a mate or employee. It was a totally different thing to actually have the outline and words for conducting that conversation.

And so this all led to the creation of The Language of Peace. Paul combined his knowledge and skills from all of these sources to create a system of relating to our loved ones that creates intimacy, understanding and compassion beyond what is possible using any other system.

What do you do when...

- You marry with the understanding that you and your mate would live in the town where your parents live. But after marriage he announces that there's no possible way he can live there?

- You move in with your beloved to live happily ever after in the little nest you would make. But after you move in you find out that her idea of a happy nest is one with stuff piled everywhere and dirty dishes?

- Your beloved says that he'd love to support you in changing careers, just as soon as you have about $10,000 in the bank. Of course the guy spends money like nobody's business, so that effectively eliminates your dream of changing careers?

- Your beloved moved in with you and you were going to create this fun little life of work, dinner parties and travel. Then you find out, once she's moved in, that her asthma prevents her from doing much of these things. Plus, you suspect the asthma is really a means of manipulation, not a truly physiological issue?

...What to do?! Run and hide? Stay and fight? Stay and check out of the relationship?

Look at the four problems above. All four have one thing in common -- they all require clear communication to get out of the situation. You could run and hide, but that wouldn't help anything. The issues would still be there. You could stay and fight about who's right and who's wrong and call each other 'idiots', but that wouldn't help much either. You could stay and just keep your mouth shut, figuring that fighting or running wouldn't help. Or, you can learn away of communicating with your beloved so that you can connect deeply and compassionately about even the most mundane issues of every day life.

Learn the words to use to convey what you really need and what you're really feeling without pissing the other person off or driving them away. And learn it in a way that you can call it to mind in even the hairiest of fights with your family.

This compassion-building communication method is The Language of Peace. Its four easy steps of stating an observation, your feelings around this observation, your needs in the situation, and making a clear and present request.

Okay, I said 'easy', but what I meant by that is that it's only four steps and doesn't take a master's degree in communication to figure it out. The hard part is in using it and sticking with it because it requires a change of all of your old paradigms about how to get what you want in a relationship.

We were all brought up with various strategies for getting what we want in any relationship. And sometimes those strategies aren't too successful. It would seem to be easy to change those once you made up your mind to do it and knew how to do is, but it's not. When you're under stress you'll always want to revert to the ways you know the best -- the ways you learned in your natural family -- the ways that may not be working too well.

For one, we all want to build cases against our loved ones and prove to them how wrong they are about whatever the issue is. Um... excuse me? Since when did having somebody tell you you're an idiot ever make you feel closer to them? That's probably the biggest skill we work on in our materials -- helping you to build a connection with your loved ones instead of building a case against them.

Another thing we as humans always tend to want to do is assume that the person we're talking to is hearing what we intended to say. Nope. In fact, they'll watch our behavior and listen to our words and STILL decide that what we meant was something completely different. So we teach people an effective way to check in with their beloved before things get out of hand.

And again, it would seem that that should be fairly simple. But it's not. Any time you start learning a new language, it's going to take some time and practice to become fluent. Did you ever study French or Spanish or German in school? Do you remember just how much time it took, repeating, "The fruit is in the bowl at the bottom of the stairs" just to remember the phrase? That's what learning The Language of Peace is going to be like. You're going to need to listen to MP3s and get on teleconference calls and attend a seminar (if you can) to really become fluent in this new way of speaking.

It's not that we teach you a whole new language, but we will be teaching you a new vocabulary of feelings and needs -- common English words that we just never really think to use. And we'll teach you a new grammar -- a new way of putting together your new vocabulary so that other people will want to listen to you.

If you're ready to commit yourself to learning a new way of communicating with your loved ones, we invite you to sign up for our Special Report on the 5 Most Common Relationship Wrecking Communication Mistakes to start reading about ways that you can modify your communication style.

The next thing to do will be to order our beginners package of MP3 recordings and reports about the 4 steps of the Language of Peace. This is the tool for really changing your life around.

Following that, we offer teleseminars and seminars where you can ask your questions and practice your new skills in role plays and challenges to really hone your new skills and make them work for you.

To read more and to sign up for our free Special Report on the 5 Mistakes of Relationship communication, go to the Magic Relationship web-site.

Paul & Kristin teach The Relationship Magic Series including The 4 Simple Steps To Heart-Opening- Intimacy and Understanding The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes The Seven Secret Keys To Creating a Relationship Oasis - To get your own free copy of their special report 'The 5 Mistakes' go to Blog35621
Ailina Blog12546

Container Gardening

Container gardens can create a natural sanctuary in a busy city street, along rooftops or on balconies. You can easily accentuate the welcoming look of a deck or patio with colorful pots of annuals, or fill your window boxes with beautiful shrub roses or any number of small perennials. Whether you arrange your pots in a group for a massed effect or highlight a smaller space with a single specimen, you'll be delighted with this simple way to create a garden.

Container gardening enables you to easily vary your color scheme, and as each plant finishes flowering, it can be replaced with another. Whether you choose to harmonize or contrast your colors, make sure there is variety in the height of each plant. Think also of the shape and texture of the leaves. Tall strap-like leaves will give a good vertical background to low-growing, wide-leafed plants. Choose plants with a long flowering season, or have others of a different type ready to replace them as they finish blooming.

Experiment with creative containers. You might have an old porcelain bowl or copper urn you can use, or perhaps you'd rather make something really modern with timber or tiles. If you decide to buy your containers ready-made, terracotta pots look wonderful, but tend to absorb water. You don't want your plants to dry out, so paint the interior of these pots with a special sealer available from hardware stores.

Cheaper plastic pots can also be painted on the outside with water-based paints for good effect. When purchasing pots, don't forget to buy matching saucers to catch the drips. This will save cement floors getting stained, or timber floors rotting.

Always use a good quality potting mix in your containers. This will ensure the best performance possible from your plants.

If you have steps leading up to your front door, an attractive pot plant on each one will delight your visitors. Indoors, pots of plants or flowers help to create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

Decide ahead of time where you want your pots to be positioned, and then buy plants that suit the situation. There is no point buying sun lovers for a shady position, for they will not do well. Some plants also have really large roots, so they are best kept for the open garden.

If you have plenty of space at your front door, a group of potted plants off to one side will be more visually appealing than two similar plants placed each side. Unless they are spectacular, they will look rather boring. Group the pots in odd numbers rather than even, and vary the height and type. To tie the group together, add large rocks that are similar in appearance and just slightly different in size. Three or five pots of the same type and color, but in different sizes also look affective.

With a creative mind and some determination, you will soon have a container garden that will be the envy of friends and strangers alike.

Daniel Haran writes articles with tips and tricks for the hobbiest interested in backyard-gardening.Cecile Blog31314
Celia Blog44648

Do You Know The Answers To These Audio Book FAQs?

Do you know the answers to these audio book FAQs?

Audio books are rising quickly in popularity. More and more people are taking advantage of the modern MP3 techniques and iPods. Yet there are still many questions unanswered in this area. Find out what these are....

Do you know the answers to these audio book FAQs?

In as much as the audio book phenomenon isn't too new, there are still lots of people that don't know certain things about it.

I must confess that I was also ignorant about certain aspects of audio books myself.

During my early days of audio books, I had to ask certain questions and today I hear a lot of people asking the same such questions.

Who knows, you might also have such questions and you really want to find the answers to them.

If yes, then below are some of these questions and their answers:

>>> What is an audio book? An audio book is simply a book in audio format. Instead of receiving a physical hardcover or paperback book that you have to read, you will receive a CD, cassette or MP3 version of the book.

>>> What formats do audio books come in? Audio books come in normal cassette formats, CD formats and MP3 formats which can be played on cassette players, cd players or MP3 players respectively.

>>> What is an MP3 audio book? MP3 is simply a compression technique that makes it possible for reduction to be made to audio books so that they use less space (sometimes as little as 80%) compared to that of cassettes or CDs.

>>> How can MP3 audio books be played? MP3 audio books can be played on any new version of CD players that support the MP3 technology - mostly those that can accept a 4.75 diameter disk.

They an also be played on any PC that has Microsoft's Windows Media Player or other related software.

>>> What is an unabridged audio book? An unabridged audio book is one that was narrated word for word. In such an audio book, nothing was removed from the printed book. It has the exact content with that of the printed book, albeit in audio format.

>>> What is an abridged audio book? An abridged audio book is one that is shortened and doesn't contain the exact word for word narration as the printed book.

>>> What is a dramatized audio book? A dramatized audio book, as the name implies, is a dramatized "play-life" version of the printed book, with usual full cast, music and sound effects.

Janet Rusky has been a reading enthusiast since she was 7. She is now an amateur article writer and runs her audiobook store at: where you can instantly download over 7000 titles.Anissa Blog39980
Alissa Blog11583

Four Steps To Building a Better Backswing

The golf swing is basically a chain reaction, as I've said before. One good move leads naturally to another. Obviously, the first few "links" in the chain are critical, since they determine the quality and the shape of the swing. If you make a proper backswing, as I often write in my golf tips, you'll develop power, accuracy, and consistency in your swing.

Unfortunately, some golfers take their backswing lightly. Instead of taking the club back slowly and smoothly, they rush it and find themselves in a poor position to start their forwardswing. A poor backswing requires complex adjustments during the swing, which can throw it off. The end result is a slice, a hook, or an otherwise ugly shot. If you want to develop consistency and power-while improving your golf handicap-you must build a better backswing.

Make a Preflight Check

Get in the habit of making a preflight check before starting your backswing. A good set-up increases the chances of starting off right. Check for correct posture, the right weight distribution, and the proper ball position, which should be just inside the left heel when using longer clubs and toward the middle of your stance for shorter clubs. Also, check to see that the club's shaft is an extension of the left arm (right-handers) and that you have a neutral grip.

In addition, check your tee-height. As a general rule, the top edge of the driver should be level with the ball's equator, irrespective of the clubhead's size and design. This rule also applies to the 3-wood when used from the tee. The design of this club hasn't changed significantly over the years. Its clubhead is smaller than almost all drivers' clubheads, especially the new ones. You need to tee the ball lower to achieve the right height for the 3-wood.

Shift Weight Properly

Allowing your weight to move back and forth in harmony with the swing's direction generates power. If the upper body coil and the weight shift are both correct in the backswing, the natural movement is a lateral one onto the right foot (right-handers), preparing the golfer for a forceful forwardswing. This is followed by a weight shift to the front foot.

Annika Sorenstam, considered by many as the number one ranked woman golfer on the pro tour, presents a good example of someone whose weight shifts properly during her backswing. Watch her when she swings. If you compare her head position at the top of backswing with her head position at the start of her backswing, you'll see that it has moved a good 5-6 inches (12-15 cm) to the right, enabling her to "get behind the ball."

Think "All Arms"

A proper takeaway is critical to a good swing. The catalyst for the chain reaction, the takeaway starts everything in motion, as I stress in my golf lessons. It introduces width and coordination in the swing, and determines the quality and shape of the shot. The first 30 inches of the takeaway is perhaps the most crucial point in the swing. The goal is a one-piece takeaway.

To achieve a one-piece takeaway, sweep the club back low and slow as your left knee, hip, and shoulder turn to the right. Shift your weight slightly onto the right foot (for right-handers), creating the feeling as if the move was "all arms." And hold your chin up as you take the club away to allow for a full left shoulder turn.

Turn and Set

The turn and set is the final element of the backswing. Once the takeaway is complete, the wrists hinge as the body continues to turn and the arms swing the club up on plane. A useful checkpoint in the swing occurs at the halfway point in the backswing. In a properly executed backswing, the club points toward the sky. From there on, it's a simple movement to the top of the backswing.

Watch the takeaway of Ernie Els when opportunity permits. His upper body, hands, arms, and the club all move away from the ball in harmony. The wrists are almost completely passive. They only start to hinge as the hands reach a point just beyond the right hip, the ideal takeaway to emulate. Notice also that he lifts his left heel slightly as he takes the club back. There's no hard and fast rule on this, as I've said in my golf tips. If you need to lift it slightly to complete a full body turn, then do so.

One last tip on building a better backswing: As you begin, try thinking "low and smooth." Maintaining this swing thought as you start your swing encourages you take the club back in a deliberate manner.

Building a better backswing is a key to generating a consistent, repeatable swing-the hallmark of players with low golf handicaps. Work on your backswing in practice. You'll see a difference in your swing on the course.

Copyright (c) 2006 Jack Moorehouse

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction. Blog19590
Cacilie Blog70070

Using a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan as Debt Relief

If you find yourself reeling under the pressure of mounting credit card bills, and feel you need some financial assistance to avoid filing for bankruptcy, you can probably consider a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan. With the assistance of credit card debt consolidation, you can combine the outstanding balances on your credit cards into a single loan or a single credit card.

Mismanagement of funds and a haphazard use of credit cards can lead to very dire financial consequences. Once opting for a debt consolidation loan, refunding the loan along with the interest should be the primary objective of the beneficiary. It is always advisable to avoid taking a credit card debt consolidation loan, if the bills due are such that can be paid off without aid. This should not be considered as a means to avoid paying dues or minimizing the amounts due.

When opting for a debt consolidation loan, it is necessary to avail all information on the various loans and the debt consolidation quotes to decide on the type best suited to your needs. Information on debt consolidation loans can be obtained by visiting credit card debt consolidation services and also online.

Your eligibility to file for a credit card debt consolidation loans depends on your credit history, also termed as a credit report. It is based on this report that your credit amount, limits and repayment terms are determined. A bad credit score can reduce the amount that may be sanctioned to you.

A credit card consolidation loan should be considered as the final step for resolving major debt-related worries, but there are certain criteria that remain attached to it even then.

I) The person must consolidate only to ease up the burden of paying hefty amounts every month.

II) The interest rate of the credit card consolidation loan must be lesser than what the person was paying previously.

III) The total payable amount must be equal to or lesser than what he was paying previously in fragmented forms.

IV) He must be willing to change his spending habits to not get caught in a debt trap. He should not consider it an easy way out of debt.

Banks, credit unions, finance companies and other lenders grant credit card consolidation loans.

A credit card consolidation loan needs certain steps to be followed for deriving the maximum benefits. You should apply for a credit card consolidation loan through a credit card debt consolidation loan agent. Full payment of any former bill is a must; a bad payment history may hamper or cancel the processing of application.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects. Bee Blog31770
Candace Blog15085

The Essential First Step To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat

Before you waste hours of valuable time doing crunches, or spend hundreds of hard-earned dollars on gimmicky ab machines, there is one thing you MUST do first to successfully get rid of stomach fat.

This crucial first step will determine your success or failure in getting rid of stomach fat. The very first thing you must do is discover the cause of your stomach fat. You may think that sounds ridiculous. You may believe that the only cause of stomach fat is from eating too much and moving too little. While that may be true for a large majority of folks, there are thousands of people striving everyday to get rid of stomach fat who will never succeed, simply because, even though they're trying hard, the odds are stacked against them and in many cases they don't even know it.

If You Know You Overeat

If you're one of the multitudes who overeat, and you can be honest enough with yourself to admit that you simply eat too much of the wrong foods too often, the solution for you to get rid of stomach fat is fairly simple. Note that I said simple, not easy. Losing weight is never really easy, but the formula is relatively simple. Add more of the whole, nutritious foods you KNOW you should be eating. Back off the processed foods and stay away from drive-thrus. Cut out, or at least drastically cut down on soft drinks and other sugar-laden food and drink. That includes alcohol, which the body processes as sugar, ultimately forming the well-known 'beer belly'. Couple your healthy eating with a 30 minute walk, 3 times a week, and include some resistance training with weights or bands and the pounds will literally seem to melt off, not just the stomach fat, but all over your body.

If You Know You Eat Right

What if you're one of the many who DO watch what you eat, exercise often, but despite your best efforts, just can't seem to get rid of stomach fat? It's entirely possible that the cause of your excess weight stems from within your own body. There are thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of people walking around with undiscovered, undiagnosed hormonal imbalances that are wreaking havoc with their attempts at weight loss. These untreated imbalances not only keep you from losing weight, they're often responsible for causing you to gain! Your thyroid gland, the adrenal glands and the reproductive hormones must be in a delicate balance, or you can exercise till you drop and your results will be less than desired. If you find yourself perpetually tired, often chilled, and unable to lose weight even with dedicated effort, it would probably benefit you to have your hormones checked. (And no, this is not just a female thing, guys, you have hormones, too) There are simple blood tests and saliva tests that can determine if hormonal imbalances are making it impossible to get rid of stomach fat, or excess weight in general.

The Fat Source No One Talks About

How long would you wear your clothes without laundering them? How long would you go without brushing your teeth, or washing a dish or taking a bath? A day or two maybe? How about a few weeks or months? Probably not. Would you let 20, 30, 40 years or more go by? You may be thinking, "Are you kidding me? NO WAY!" Then let me ask you this: When was the last time you gave your insides a cleaning? Historically our bodies have done a superb job of processing the foods we put down, but in today's modern society, too often what we put in our mouths as food is unrecognizable by the body. The body can't find the nutrients to absorb, so it breaks it down as much as possible and then guess what happens? It sits in the colon, undigested and rotting. And we do this day after day, week after week for years and years. Eventually there is so much toxic waste buildup that the body becomes inefficient at absorbing the vitamins and minerals found even in good-for-you foods. People who have taken the initiative to give their colon a good cleansing have experienced, among other outstanding benefits, seemingly effortless weightloss.

While most of us can get rid of stomach fat by eating better and moving more, for some the answer to weight loss lies elsewhere. Do some research and keep exploring until you find what works for you. You only get one body. If you want it to last, and perform at an optimal level, you've gotta take care of it!

Honey Wesley RN, has numerous articles to her credit. For valuable information on the most effective strength training available to permanently get rid of stomach fat, be sure to visit her Blog88745
Brittni Blog32264

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